Raf's Recollection | Been a bit of a whirlwind past few weeks, but happy to report that we're back up and operational for all of you good folks. This week we welcome our new friend Jorge Oliveira (from North South clothing) and our good friend Mike Hofer from Jiu-Jitsu in the Park returns. But first, let's take a moment to chat Kimbo vs. Shamrock, shall we. There are a good number of you out there who wondered if that fight was a work (or in professional wrestling terms, "staged.") We discuss that on this week's podcast in depth, but I thought I'd treat you all to my favorite take on the fight right here.
STREET FIGHTER A video posted by 💥 (@azxd) on
Absolutely one of the funniest things I've seen about it. But some of that pales in comparison to some of the comments you sent in for us to read on the show. Listen in, because we might have read some of your comments (just as the video below seems to indicate).
After we chat about that, we welcome Jorge to talk to us about his awesome clothing line, his MMA career, and what he feels about the current state of jiu-jitsu.
To close out the show, we find out what's coming up for our favorite jiu-jitsu in the park guys, as The Hof tells us a little but about what we might come to expect on out here at Griffith Park.