Viewing entries tagged
Flying Leg Drag

One More Time: Isaac Doederlein Demonstrates a "Flying Leg Drag"


One More Time: Isaac Doederlein Demonstrates a "Flying Leg Drag"


Isaac John Me

One of the benefits of knowing BJJ Breakdown’s JOHN EVANS (and there are many) is that the guy knows good people.

Not just people who are good at jiu-jitsu, but a number of elite individuals who share such a passion and reverence for teaching the gentle art.

Isaac Doederlein is one of those people.

After receiving a number of requests asking for a breakdown of one of Isaac's competition techniques, John asked Isaac to show us his "Flying Leg Drag" in the very first installment of BJJ Breakdown's technique demonstrations.

If you're not quite familiar with Isaac just yet, I'd highly encourage all of you to take a quick look at the following examples below to get an idea of the intense game this guy brings to the table.  It shouldn't take long to understand how this very talented featherweight recently captured double gold at the 2013 American Nationals.

And here's a video of Isaac using the very technique he demonstrated with John up top.

I have to say, watching Isaac break down the "Flying Leg Drag" was truly something awesome to see in person.  While the movement may seem very chaotic, there is a systematic process to it all and Isaac does a great job of explaining for both the jiu-jitsu competitor and layman.

In fact, as a true credit to Isaac, I walked away from this demonstration feeling like I actually understood it.  And as someone who suffers from an extreme case of "jiu-jitsu dislexia"™, that's truly an achievement (just don't expect to see me trying this any time soon, I'm far too slow and dumb to pull this one off).

Nonetheless, my thanks to Isaac for taking the time to show us this truly cool technique.  Dude's a class act and I can't wait to see what lies in store for him.

And I think John's got some more footage with Isaac that will be up in the coming days, but if you can do us a solid and give the "Flying Leg Drag" video a LIKE on YouTube it'd be greatly appreciated.  The more likes we get, the more likely you are to see even more techniques with a few friends from our collective rolodexes (side note: Do people even use rolodexes anymore?  Is that a thing?)

Moral of the story: Share the video with your friends and let us know what you think of it.  We'd love to hear your feedback!

